How to build the ultimate home gym — for just £200
The six bits of essential kit you need (which are a lot cheaper than a gym membership). By Daniel Davies of Men’s Health
The Sunday Times
You don’t need to convert your basement or splash out on a Peloton to create your own home gym — you can buy everything you need for a thorough workout at home for between £185 and £215. And with the average cost of gym membership coming in at £539.04 a year, it’s an attractive option that means there’s no excuse for ever skipping sessions again. With the starter kit on these pages, you’ll be able to exercise every muscle in your body.

£30 each,
These are among the most popular pieces of gym equipment for a reason. Whether you favour strenuous bodybuilding sessions, frenetic CrossFit workouts or want to add weight to your core exercises, dumbbells will take your training up a notch. They’re