The Times view on I’m a Celebrity: Foraging Farage
The former Ukip leader is taking a calculated risk by appearing in the programme
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It is hardly an auspicious list. Edwina Currie, the accident-prone former minister; Stanley Johnson, better known for his offspring than his career in the European Parliament; Kezia Dugdale, a leader unable to arrest Scottish Labour’s precipitous decline; Lembit Opik, a politician deemed too eccentric for even the Liberal Democrats; Matt Hancock, the health secretary brought low by philandering; and Nadine Dorries, enough said. Each of these political also-rans convinced themselves that the shock therapy — and handsome pay — of I’m A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here! might leave them with status and profile enhanced.
None were so lucky. So is Nigel Farage, the former leader of Ukip and the Brexit party, riding for a fall as he takes his own trip to the