Why British stocks may not be a Black Friday bargain
The government wants me to invest at home, but I’ll shop where I like, thanks
The Times
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Narrated by David Brenchley

Most Black Friday deals aren’t as cheap as they seem, just like British stocks
Black Friday, a favourite event for bargain-hunting shoppers, is less than a week away. Yet not all the deals you see on Friday will be the bargain they appear to be. The consumer group Which? found that 98 per cent of the 214 Black Friday deals that it assessed from 2021 were cheaper or the same price on other days of the year.
The same goes for British stocks. Some say they’re a bargain now, but they may turn out to be a bargain tomorrow and next year too. And if the government tries to force us to invest our life savings into UK stocks through changes to pension rules it could prove catastrophic for our retirement.
British investors have been deserting their domestic market