Adam Kay on how to nurse a hangover — the scientific way
Beer before wine? Hair of the dog? Greasy fry-up? Don’t rely on the myths. As Britain’s big boozy summer continues, here’s how to survive the morning after
The Sunday Times
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Narrated by Adam Kay
How many times have you woken up with a tongue made of gravel, a stomach on a spin cycle and a head that feels as if it’s on back to front, pleading for hospitalisation and the immediate introduction of prohibition laws? And then how many times could you be found mere hours later (or minutes, if you’re on holiday) with a G&T in your right hand?
The chances are, over the past year or so, you’ve been experiencing more hangovers than usual, with retail sales of alcohol rising 22 per cent at the start of lockdown. If I can be frank and doctorish: whatever you’re drinking, it’s probably too much. NHS advice warns against regularly drinking more than 14 units over the course of a