7 effective ways to become a moderate drinker
You did dry January. Should you carry on — or is there a way to drink without compromising your health?
You can carry on drinking and stay healthy
The Times
Dry January is as good as over. But whether we continue with our abstinence, or go back to the booze, many of us are reassessing the way we drink.
No surprise then that a new alcohol-free drink — Sentia — is flying off the shelves. Developed by David Nutt, professor of neuropsychopharmacology at Imperial College London, it contains natural ingredients that act on neurotransmitters called gaba receptors, which calm and relax the brain in the same way alcohol does. The joy of it, says Nutt, who was once briefly the UK government’s drugs tsar, until his ideas were deemed too unconventional, is that it hits that warm “two drinks” sweet spot. That feeling where you are “disinhibited, more interested in people, but still have your