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How to make close friends (and keep them) at any age

It’s easy to form friendships when you’re young, but what about when you’re older? Shane Watson has some pointers

How do you keep your close friends as you get older? Do less hanging out
How do you keep your close friends as you get older? Do less hanging out
The Times

How do you make close friends (CFs) when you’re young? Hang out. Go on holidays together. Share a flat. Share clothes. Share an office. Have some hilarious or not so hilarious experiences either way, they will be bonding. One of my CFs was a “just friend” (JF) until the moment we both fled from a holiday under the cover of darkness and spent the rest of the week on our own, marvelling at how wrong you can be about people you haven’t slept under the same roof with.

How do you keep your CFs as you get older? Do less hanging out is the short answer — or rather hang out often but not for the extended periods of time you used to — because,